This code is a combination of Agent Moose's dropdown code and some tweaks by me
Set your forum to the Default Style B.
Find other styles you want to use. Add each of them in Manage Styles.
For each of those stylesheets edit these lines in the code: (add more if you need them, delete those you do not need)
Skin[n++] = ["STYLE NAME"," NAME/STYLE.css?fin11"];
1. Replace "STYLE NAME" with the name of the style
2. Replace "" with your forum's info
for instance (,,,,,
3. Replace "FORUM NAME" with the name of your forum.
4. Replace "STYLE" with the name of the stylesheet.
(the name you named the style when you created it in manage styles)
Do this for each one you want to use.
D. When done with the edits the code goes in your
Header and will center the dropdown box at the top of your forum.
var n = 0;var Skin = new Array();
Skin[n++] = ["STYLE NAME"," NAME/STYLE.css?fin11"];
Skin[n++] = ["STYLE NAME"," NAME/STYLE.css?fin11"];
Skin[n++] = ["STYLE NAME"," NAME/STYLE.css?fin11"];
Skin[n++] = ["STYLE NAME"," NAME/STYLE.css?fin11"];
//Created by Agent Moose (
document.write("<center><select id='SkinChooser'><option value='default'>Choose Style</option>");
document.write("<option value='" + Skin[i][1] + "'>" + Skin[i][0] + "</option>");
document.write("</select> <input type='button' value='Change' onclick='setSkin();' /></center>");
function setCookie(name, value, expires){
var deCookie = name + "=" + escape(value);
expires= expires.toGMTString();
deCookie += "; expires=";
deCookie += expires;
document.cookie = deCookie;
function getCookie(name){
var dc = document.cookie;
var prefix = name + "=";
var begin = dc.indexOf("; " + prefix);
if (begin == -1){
begin = dc.indexOf(prefix);
if (begin != 0) return false;
}else begin += 2;
var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin);
if (end == -1)
end = dc.length;
return unescape(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end));
function delCookie(name){
expires = new Date(1807,1,1);
expires = expires.toGMTString();
deCookie = name;
deCookie += "=delete; expires=";
deCookie += expires;
document.cookie = deCookie;
function changeSkin(Agent){
document.write("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='" + Agent + "' />");
var Omi = "default";
document.getElementById("SkinChooser").onchange = function(){
Omi = Skin[parseInt(document.getElementById("SkinChooser").selectedIndex)-1][1]
Omi = "default";
function setSkin(){
if(Omi == "default") delCookie("Skin");
if(Omi != "default") setCookie("Skin",Omi,new Date(9999,1,1));
If you want to do the Helios Styles that are in the dropdown box on this forum you can find the stylesheets here:,5.0.htmlIf you want to add the optional header and footer images (as used on this forum):
You will need to add this to the end of the Header code:
<br />
<table align=center>
<td class=header height="54px" width="1000px" align=center>
Add this to the top of your Footer:
<table align=center>
<td class=footer height="54px" width="1000px" align=center>